Service Overview
The R. G. Dun & Co. Credit Reports collection is an invaluable resource for understanding the business, social, and cultural world of 19th century America and is the most heavily used collection in Special Collections and Archives.
Special Collections and Archives reference archivists can conduct name searches for business and/or individual names in the R.G. Dun & Co. index volumes for a fee. Search results include the Dun volumes and page numbers for the credit reports, not transcriptions of the credit reports.
To initiate a search request, please contact Special Collections and Archives and provide the following information:
- Your research topic and its intended result (dissertation, article, book, etc.).
- A list of names and index volumes to be searched from the guide to the R.G. Dun & Co. Credit Report Volumes.
- An indication of your acceptance of research service fees.
- A completed Application for Use of the R.G. Dun & Co. Credit Reports collection.