Country Overviews
Economist Intelligence Unit
In-depth country and selected industry analysis and data.
Describes and forecasts India's political, economic and social conditions. Updated quarterly.
EMIS (Emerging Markets Information System)
Country and company information on Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Middle East.
Includes macroeconomic statistics, forecasts, and analysis; reports on financial markets, companies, and industries; exchange rates; analyst reports; and business news for India as well as for other emerging nations.
India: A Country Study
Provides a valuable historical context of India by the Federal Research Division. Last updated in December 2004.
OECD iLibrary
Country studies, forecasting publications, reports, periodicals, and socio-economic databases from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
OECD publications on India include the Economic Outlook and publications on energy transition, labour, poverty alleviation, and other topics.
Company Databases
Ministry of Corporate Affairs: Government of India
Government website with master files of every company registered with the Registrar of Companies. Search by company name or download company lists by state.
A global private company comparison database containing millions of company data points.
Orbis is unique in the extent of geographies and companies covered, as well as in the availability of private company financial information (depending on the country in which the company is located).
Corporate Governance
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
The site includes reporting standards, news on regulations and taxes, and professional development material for accountants.
Economic & Demographic Statistics
Multi-country statistical sources (listed in the Country & International Research Guide under Statistics), especially Economist Intelligence Unit (Click on data tool) and World Development Indicators tend to be easier than national sources to navigate, download, and compare with other countries. is the best way to navigate Indian produced statistics and gives the source of data for verification.
Global Financial Data is your best bet for time series.
Economic Statistics
Macroeconomic, industrial, and financial time series for China and other countries.
CEIC includes macroeconomic, industrial and financial time series data for India and other countries. Categories of available data points are: national accounts, production, government and public finance, demographic, inflation, foreign trade, balance of payments, banking statistics, investment, transport and telecommunication, energy, and financial markets. (HBS does not subscribe to the Premium Indian product).
Searches across six Indian government databases: Census, SECC, NFHS, RBI, government schemes, and Parivahan (vehicle registrations). Captures demographic, socioeconomic, financial, and health indicators for India. Has data visualizations and download capabilities.
Reserve Bank of India
The web site of India's central bank includes notification on monetary policy, statistics on the Indian economy, including the handy Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy and information on the Indian banking sector.
Demographic Data
Census of India
Summary data for the 2001 census are available on the site. The Government Documents/Microform Collection in Lamont library have data going back to the 1890s.
India GIS data in ESRI SHP format
Includes four data sets: IndiaMap includes socio-demographic and economic Census data for 2001 at the State, District, Sub-District, and Town levels. VillageMap includes socio-demographic and economic Census data for 2001 at the Village level. PollMap includes parliamentary constituency boundaries and data relating to the past four national elections [1986-2004]. Optionally, an application for historical analysis and impact of regional and statewise swings can be added. HistoricMap shows decadal change in district boundaries of India since 1951. Socio-demographic data is included for the census years i.e. 1951, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001.
Check Harvard Availability
National Sample Surveys
Annual surveys on topics such as consumer expenditures, housing, and healthcare. Most of the titles concern consumers but there are also enterprise surveys. Survey data is available in the Documents & Microform Collection.
Economic Policy & Business Regulation
Doing Business in India
This page from the World Bank Group includes India's rank of overall "ease of doing business" compared with over 180 economies, as well as its rank by topics such as starting a business, getting credit, and protecting investors.
Economist Intelligence Unit
In-depth country and selected industry analysis and data.
Analysis of India’s business regulations from the Economist Intelligence Unit.
A comprehensive database of Indian law -- includes:
- cases and bare acts (federal and selected states)
- tribunal and commission orders
- bills in Parliament
- ordinances, notifications and circulars. Coverage includes corporate law, capital markets, labor regulations and more.
For Harvard access, click on "IP users click here."
Economic Research Organizations
Indian 'think tank' devoted to researching India's role in the global economy. Focus areas include;Macro-economic Management in an Open Economy; Trade, Openness, Restructuring and Competitiveness; Financial Sector Liberalisation and Regulation; WTO-related Issues; Regional Economic Co-operation with Focus on South Asia; Strategic Aspects of India's International Economic Relations; and Environment and Climate Change. Working papers and publications are available on the web site.
McKinsey- India
McKinsey's India office publishes general economic reports on the Indian economy and economic development.
National Council of Applied Economic Research
Research organization focusing on economic growth, rural development, and economic behavior.
National Institute of Public Finance and Policy
Public policy research organization.
Environment & Climate Change
Down to Earth
An Indian based magazine that reports on environment issues.
India Environment Portal
A portal that provides, news, reports and statistics on environmental and development issues.
Finance & Banking
Economist Intelligence Unit
In-depth country and selected industry analysis and data.
EIU's market sector report, India Financial Services includes analysis on the financial systems of India.
Indian Banks' Association
Includes financial statistics for private, public, foreign banks with links to bank sites.
Equities Markets
Financial Markets Research Guide
Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI)
Trade association for the Mutual fund industry, includes aggregate data and fund closing prices.
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
The oldest stock exchange in India, the web site includes current and historical market data, and reports on companies provided by rating agencies.
National Stock Exchange of India
Trades in equities, debt, options, mutual funds, are executed here. Site includes aggregate current and historical market data, list of members, and research publications.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
The regulatory agency of India. The web site includes trading rules and regulations, statistics on market volume and capitalization, information on status of offers of mergers and acquisitions, and investor education materials.
Foreign Trade India
A U.S. Commerce Department site that promotes trade with India. Site includes useful background information for the exporter, as well as information on trade missions.
Government of India, Department of Commerce
Information on trade policy and regulations as well as a link to a database of import and export statistics.
United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics
Annual international trade data by commodity and trading partner.
Annual data by commodity and partner country that is supplied by member countries and converted into US dollars using exchange rates supplied by the countries, or derived from monthly market rates and volume of trade. Whenever possible, quantities are in metric units. For many countries the data coverage starts as far back as 1962.
Government of India (GOI) & Politics
Government sites:
GOI Web Directory
Links to national and state government sites, including those of the judicial systems.
Ministry of Finance: Government of India
Includes the Union Budget and Economic Survey; various data and statistics; documents and reports; and links to the Departments of Economic Affairs, Expenditure, Revenue, Financial Services and Disinvestment.
National Portal of India
Links to the Constitution, rules & regulations, Parliament, and directories among other information.
Analysis & Commentary
Centre for Policy Research (CPR)
An Indian research institute and think tank. CPR initiatives include accountability for service delivery, Asian security, global climate negotiations, the Indian legislative process, inclusive development, and the Indian city.
Gateway House: Indian Council on Global Relations
The Gateway House includes in its mission "To produce and disseminate ideas and reports that stimulate the public debate on the foreign policy choices that face India." Essays and reports are available from the site.
An online and print magazine on governance issues in India. Includes news and analysis from professional and citizen journalists on the governance of institutions and processes in India.
A nonprofit organization that aims to improve the quality of life in urban India. Encourages civic participation and government reform. Includes links to data, rankings and publications.
Where can I find industry associations or organizations for India?
EMIS (Emerging Markets Information System)
Country and company information on Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Middle East.
Frost & Sullivan
Reports and market trends encompassing various technology, energy, and manufacturing-related fields.
Includes reports on the health care (particularly diagnostics markets and medical devices), energy, and information technology markets in India.
The consultancy's site includes publications on various industries including, financial services, IT, defense, and health care.
Market research reports on consumer products and industries worldwide from Euromonitor International.
Reports on a variety of global industries including technology, healthcare, retail, energy, aerospace, and automotive.
U.S. Commercial Service: Country Commercial Guides
In-depth reports on the business environment in various countries. Some industry reports are also available.
Annual reports by the US Commerce Dept. are oriented to US firms seeking to do business in India. Include information on regulations and detailed information on markets, especially those that are good export opportunities.
Where can I find business news specific to India?
EMIS (Emerging Markets Information System)
Country and company information on Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Middle East.
Aggregated news from national and local newspapers, magazines, trade publications, and transcripts.
For a quick way to find current news about India, select the News Pages tab at the top. On the left side of the page, select "India" from the drop down menu (the default is United States).
Trade Organizations
American Chamber of Commerce in India
Organization of US firms operating in India. Publications and member directory by industry are available on the web site.
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
One of the largest industry associations in India, the website includes publications on various industrial sectors, corporate governance, and Indian regions.
FICCI: Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
The organization promotes policies and events to advance Indian industry. Includes business confidence surveys and economic outlooks.
India Brand Equity Foundation
Site, funded by the Indian government, promotes foreign investment in India. Brings together useful information for investors.
U.S.-India Business Council
A trade association that promotes close commercial ties between the US and India. The site includes a list of upcoming trade events and a daily news feed from major Indian business news sources. Initiatives include intellectual property rights, and education.