Country Overviews, and Statistics
American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (AMCHAM)
Provides overview reports on economics, business environment, and key industries in China. Tip: May conduct a keyword search by using the search function.
EMIS (Emerging Markets Information System)
Country and company information on Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Middle East.
Arranged by country, this resource includes: country profiles; macroeconomic statistics, forecasts, and analysis; reports on financial markets, companies, and industries; exchange rates; analyst reports; and business news.
State Council of the People's Republic of China
Provides information about government structure, responsibilities, laws and regulations, and latest news/activities. The link leads to a Chinese version of the site. An English version is available, but with limited content.
Macroeconomic, industrial, and financial time series for China and other countries.
Data include: national accounts, production, government and public finance, demographics, inflation, foreign trade, balance of payments, banking statistics, investment, transport and telecommunication, energy, and financial markets.
China Data Online
English-language data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China.
Comprehensive web site focusing on economic statistics of China, arranged by regions and categories. Includes monthly and yearly reports on China's macroeconomic development, statistical databases about China's population and economy at the county and city levels, and financial indicators of more than 568 industrial branches. Also includes statistical yearbooks, census data, industrial and marketing surveys, and an atlas of China.
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
IGES is a research institute in Japan that strives to support sustainable environmental development in the Asia-Pacific region. You may search for its China environmental developoment related reports, data, and news.
Hong Kong Energy Statistics
Xianggang : Xianggang zheng fu tong ji chu gong ye sheng chan tong ji zu
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China Energy Statistical Yearbook
Beijing shi : Neng yuan chu ban she : Xin hua shu dian shou du fa xing suo fa shing
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Ministry of Ecology and Environmental of the People's Republic of China
Provides standards, statistics, latest developments and more. English version is available but with limited content.
Financial Markets
Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)
Provides listed company announcements and statistics; indices and statistics; trading and membership; laws and regulations. Site also features statistics for the exchange. Chinese version is available.
Shenzen Stock Exchange (SZSE)
The website includes six sections such as listing, disclosure, market data, products, services and rules. It is in both English and Chinese.
Access to credit research on bond issues form around the world, including a comprehensive collection of sovereign ratings and analysis for China. The Special Report Archive provides several research reports specific to China.
State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)
Provides latest news, policy, and statistical reports. Select English at the top of the screen to view the site in English.
Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Latest news, listed companies, rules and regulations, and statistics. Chinese versionis available. However the accuracy of the translation is not guaranteed by the site holder.
Macroeconomic, industrial, and financial time series for China and other countries.
CEIC also provides index and aggregate data on Chinese financial markets.
Ministry of Finance People's Republic of China
This Chinese Web site provides the latest national financial developments, activities, data reports, regulations, and more.
News Sources
Online news service of China's official news agency- Xinhua News Agency. It releases important timely news about China.
EMIS (Emerging Markets Information System)
Country and company information on Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Middle East.
News and information from over 20 different sources that focus on China.Content in both English and Chinese.
Aggregated news from national and local newspapers, magazines, trade publications, and transcripts.
Contains some Chinese publications including Caijing Magazine, China Business, and China Economic Review. You may have to change the language to search in Chinese.
China Economic Net
Maintained by Economic Daily, provides news on different industries and stock markets in China. Also available in English.
Wall Street Journal Asia
News coverage includes Chinese stock markets, industries, people, companies, and economy. Full text is available through Factiva.
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Nikkei Asian Review
News and analysis covering Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia over business, economics, politics, and the arts topics.
The Wire China
Digital news magazine covering China in the context of global business, finance, trade, labor and the environment.
Historical Sources
American Business History - Business Manuscripts
Special Collections and Archives holds nearly 1,600 collections of original records produced by companies and entrepreneurs in the course of their regular business operations.
Baker Library Special Collections has extensive manuscript holdings that document the development of U.S. foreign trade with China during the 19th century. This topic is one of the great strengths of Baker Library's collections. The collections include business records of American companies and merchant families that established trading operations in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and other Asian ports during the early 19th century. Many of the largest and most influential companies and families involved in the China trade are represented, including the Heard family, the Forbes family, Bryant & Sturgis, Russell & Co., and Perkins & Co. The records contain a wealth of evidence regarding the 19th century trade connections between China and the United States.
Baker Old Class Collection
The Baker Old Class Collection is a valuable resource for tracing the development and growth of Chinese business and industry from the late nineteenth century to the late twentieth century. The unique arrangement of the collection brings together books, periodicals, and pamphlets by industry or topic, allowing researchers to readily browse related research materials. There are over 300 titles in the Baker Old Class collection on China. The publication dates range from 1852 to 1970, with particular strength in the 1920s to 1940s. The titles are predominately in English, though a few are in Chinese. The predominant subjects are economic conditions (currency and foreign economic relations), local industry (railroads and textiles), description and travel, and Manchuria.
Historic Corporate Reports
Special Collections and Archives holds an extensive collection of corporate reports representing over 27,000 companies. This is one of the largest collections of corporate reports in the world, and includes annual reports, prospectuses, proxies, registration statements, and miscellaneous items such as brokerage-house reports, charts, and unpublished corporate histories.
The Corporate Reports Collection includes a selection of original company documents of Chinese companies, the bulk of which date from 1850-1940. The collection primarily consists of annual reports but includes other company-related publications. The collection currently documents approximately 19 Chinese companies, including the Tientsin Land Investment Co., and the South Manchurian Railway. There are seven Taiwanese companies included in the collection. The Taiwanese corporate annual reports are primarily post-1960.
European Economic History & Philosophy - Kress Collection
The Kress Collection of Business and Economics is recognized as one of the premier rare book collections in the world.
The Kress Collection includes over 180 titles on China. The earliest imprint is 1608, but titles dataing from the early to mid-19th century are the strength of the holdings. The titles are all in English and are primarily British publications. The predominant topic is commerce and commercial policy with China.
World Development Indicators
Statistics from the World Bank for almost 600 development indicators dating as far back as 1960.
Includes development indicators for public health, environment, education, and labor force.
Macroeconomic, industrial, and financial time series for China and other countries.
CEIC also provides country-level data covering population, education, health, income, and labor indicators.
China Data Online
English-language data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China.
Similar to CEIC in that it covers population, education, health, income, and labor, but provides the data at the provincial, city, county, and national levels. Also includes statistical yearbooks, census data, industrial and marketing surveys, and an atlas of China.