LGBTQ+ Marketing
5 Best Practices for your LGBTQ+ Marketing Campaign
An overview of the dos and don'ts for LGBTQ+ marketing.
Business Case Guide for LBGTQ+ Marketing
Includes information on: LGBTQ buying power, demographics and trends, case studies, changing demand in representation, and the Corporate Equality Index. Free to download.
Examples of LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Brand Marketing
A few examples of companies who have appealed to the LGBTQ+ market through inclusive marketing.
Creating an Inclusive Workplace
Out & Equal: Workplace Advocates
A toolkit for helping to assess the level of LGBTQ+ inclusion in your workplace.
A New LGBTQ+ Workforce Has Arrived
Boston Consulting Group article outlining the push towards inclusive work environments.
Creating a Trans-Inclusive Workplace
Harvard Business Review article outlining how to grow policies and cultures that support trans employees.
LGBTQ+ Business Support
A non-profit organization that empowers LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs through mentorship, networking events, funding opportunities, and more.
Out Leadership
An organization that helps businesses align their brand with the LGBTQ+ market through leadership events.
A consultancy network that assists companies in measuring and implementing diversity in the workplace.
Backstage Capital
A venture capital fund that supports underrepresented founders in local programs around the world including those who identify as LGBTQ+.
LGBTQ+ Data Sources
CMI (Community Marketing & Insights)
Marketing data including the Annual LGBTQ+ Community Survey.
MAP (Movement Advancement Project): LGBT Populations
Maps of LGBTQ+ Populations by state, plus additional sociodemographic information.
U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Measures, characteristics, and experiences of the LGBTQ+ population, with an emphasis on how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted households across the country.
Lists of People
LGBTQ+ Businesspersons
An interactive list of select LGBTQ+ businesspersons sortable by industry.
The OUTstanding Role Model Lists
A showcase of LGBTQ+ executives, future leaders, and allies.
Library Databases
Mintel Reports
U.S. consumer market studies and primary and secondary data analysis for topics including food, beverage, apparel, beauty, retail, and travel.
-Search for "LGBT and marketing" to find reports about campaigns for the LGBTQ+ community.
-Search for "LGBT and pride" to find reports about campaigns for pride month.
A searchable database of statistics, studies, dossiers, infographics and more.
-You can search for information related to LGBTQ+ ads, purchases, employee benefits, travel, and more.
S&P Capital IQ Pro
An industry-focused platform covering news, data, transactions, filings and analysis covering financial, real estate, insurance, energy, media, consumer and industrial industries.
-You can use the "LGBTQ" tag to explore deals and a market map of public/private companies that provide services related to gay communities, gay lives, LGBTQ communities, bisexual, lesbian, queer, and transgender individuals.
GuideStar Pro
Information about the missions, programs, and finances of IRS-recognized organizations.
-You can search by organizations that serve LGBTQ and intersex populations
Additional Resources
Baker Library Pride Bookshelf
An interactive bookshelf of LGBTQ+ business texts as well as books suggested by the HBS community.
Baker Library Pride Month Resources
A variety of tips and resources for learning more about HBS, business, and the LGBTQ+ community.
The Book of Lists (American City Business Journals): The Largest LGBTQ Businesses
- The Boston Business Journal HOLLIS Record
- Lists for the Largest LGBTQ Businesses exist for many cities, ranked over several years