Population and Demographic Data


United States Census Bureau

Demographic characteristics, total population, social, and economic census data for the U.S. and international locations. Useful in determining market size. 

United States Census Bureau: International Programs

List of statistical agencies in different countries for local demographics.



United Nations database providing search and download access to a variety of statistical resources in Education, Employment, Environment, Health, Industry, Trade, Tourism, and additional areas.

World Development Indicators

Statistics from the World Bank for almost 600 development indicators dating as far back as 1960.

Mapping Tools



Generates tables and maps based upon desired United States data, including population, age, race, income, employment, and education.



Mapping application that includes 15,000 indicators related to demographics, housing, crime, mortgages, health, jobs and more. Data is available at various geographic levels (address, block group, census tract, zip code, county, city, state, MSA) as well as unique geographies like school districts and political boundaries. Data comes from both public and proprietary sources.

Business Analyst Online

Interactive map with U.S. demographic and business data.

Consumer Lifestyles, Behaviors, and Buying Power

Economist Intelligence Unit

In-depth country and selected industry analysis and data.

Use the Data tool to detailed data on demographics, income, market demand and expenditures by geography and time series.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Various statistics and reports on labor related topics such as business cost, salary and wages, employee benefits, and occupational outlook and projections.  Includes geographic profiles of employment and unemployment, spending and time use.

Relevant series include Consumer Spending and Time Use.

Mintel Reports

U.S. consumer market studies and primary and secondary data analysis for topics including food, beverage, apparel, beauty, retail, and travel.


Market research reports on consumer products and industries worldwide from Euromonitor International.

eMarketer/Insider Intelligence

Market data, statistics, and analysis on the Internet, e-business, and emerging technologies.

Consumer behavior data related to e-commerce, media and tech usage, and more.

Scholarly Publications

International Journal of Consumer Studies

Published quarterly. Articles focus on goods and services, family and social studies, consumer issues, and home economics.

Journal of Consumer Research

Published quarterly. Features scholarly research that describes and explains consumer behavior.

Journal of International Consumer Marketing

Published six times per year. Academic publication for marketers to understand how people behave as consumers.