Overviews and Analysis
Find market reports in technologies such as diagnostics, vaccines, assay, stem cell therapy, biomaterials, tissue engineering, environmental biotechnology, etc.
Frost & Sullivan
Reports and market trends encompassing various technology, energy, and manufacturing-related fields.
Find analysis of trends, issues, growth opportunities, and markets in biotechnology, medical devices and other biotech areas.
ProQuest TDM Studio
Mine large volumes of published content from newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, dissertations, and other Harvard- licensed ProQuest contemporary and historical content.
Gain valuable insights into companies’ technology portfolios and R&D strategies, emerging trends and leading players of your tech cluster. Discover potential targets for M&A deals and talent recruitment. Stay ahead of the curve with our comprehensive analysis of the tech industry. Need a quick overview? Check out Learn with Baker Library - Patent Analytics - Intro.
Reports on a variety of global industries including technology, healthcare, retail, energy, aerospace, and automotive.
Capital IQ
Data on public and private companies, investment firms, capital transactions, and people. Includes S&P RatingsDirect.
Need a Capital IQ overview? Check out our multimedia learning module, Learn with Baker Library - Capital IQ Introduction
CB Insights
Tracks global venture capital, angel investment, private equity, M&A, and IPO activity related to private companies.
Information on companies, deals, funds, investors and service providers across the private investment lifecycle.
LSEG Workspace
Features market quotes, earnings estimates, financial fundamentals, press releases, transaction data, corporate filings, ownership profiles and sell-side equity research.
Note: Useful also for screening companies, identifying competitors, obtaining information on M&A deals, etc.
Need a Refinitiv Workspace overview? Check out our multimedia learning module, Learn with Baker Library - Refinitiv Introduction.
Biotechnology Law : A Primer for Scientists
This book is an essential introduction to biotechnology law for scientists, startup founders, regulatory specialists, patent liaisons, investors, academics, students, and other nonattorneys with biotech backgrounds.
Check Harvard Availability
FDA Biotechnology Guidance
FDA provides biotechnology guidance, documents and regulatory information.
Encompasses business and law areas including antitrust, banking, energy, healthcare, intellectual property, labor, life sciences, securities, tax, and transportation, and more.
Industry & Trade Associations
In-depth industry guides including internship information, career advice and user-generated content on companies and career issues.
Biomass Magazine
A monthly trade publication. It maintains a core editorial focus on biomass logistics: generating, cultivating, collecting, transporting, processing, marketing, procuring and utilizing sustainable biomass.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
The NCBI advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.
News and Journals
Aggregated news from national and local newspapers, magazines, trade publications, and transcripts.
BioIT World
A source of news on technology and strategic innovation in areas of computational drug discovery, genomic analysis, predictive toxicogenomics and adaptive clinical trials.
Stat Plus
News and analysis on healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and biotech industries, including policy and science developments.